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Benefits of Using Lightweight Volleyball For Youth Players

Benefits of Using Lightweight Volleyball For Youth Players

Ryan Laurete |

As coaches, guardians, or players, we always strive towards the improvement of the players around us, but to achieve that, we need to make sure that they do not get hurt in the process. Sports is a highly competitive field, and a single injury can keep you out of the game forever, especially in your developing stage. Therefore, lightweight volleyballs were introduced to the youth players. As the name suggests, they are a lighter version of regular volleyball made for younger players.

In general, these volleyballs are 20%-30% lighter in weight than normal volleyballs. They also have lighter cover materials, such as polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride, or composite, unlike the leather ball. Other factors that make the lightweight volleyball lighter are the density of the layers, lower air pressure requirement, and the number of out layerings.

But why should youth players use lightweight volleyballs? What difference does it make? Read on to find out.

Why Adolescent Players Should Use Lightweight Volleyball

Youth players start playing from the age of 8-10, and those years are crucial for them as they are in the growing stage of their lives, and any serious wear and tear of muscles can be a lifelong problem. To prevent these injuries, lightweight volleyballs were introduced, but that’s not where it ends. There are many more benefits; let’s learn them one by one.

  • Reduced Injury Risk: Every sport in the world involves a risk of injury; the same goes for volleyball. Although ankle injuries are more common in volleyball, hand injuries like finger dislocation, sprains, muscle tears, etc., are also common, and most of them are due to the heavy impact of volleyball. Lightweight volleyballs induce a lower impact on the hands during blocks or hits, which can prevent sprains and muscles tears. This ultimately helps maintain a healthy body until the youth players come of age.
  • Improvement in Technique: As the name suggests, youth players are quite young, and facing a heavier ball at speed is not easy, but when players start training with lightweight volleyballs, they get used to the flow and trajectory of the game. Regular training with lightweight volleyballs helps them grasp maneuvering the ball in the air as they want or as the game demands, improving their core skills and techniques and giving them a better understanding of the game.
  • Increased Self-confidence: When the players start to grasp the game better, they are expected to gain confidence. Lightweight volleyballs not only decrease their chance of injury, but also help them learn and develop different types of skills with ease. They help them practice the shots that are difficult with regular volleyballs, ultimately making them ready for a heavier volleyball.
  • Enhanced Player Development: Youth training and practice are intended to develop over time. But it is not as easy as it seems because the young players don’t have a strong foundation to start from. To build that, they need rigorous training, and a regular volleyball could cause them more harm than good.

4 Best Lightweight Volleyballs For Youth

Now that we have learned about the benefits of using lightweight volleyball, you must be curious to know how to find them. That is why we are going to suggest four of the best lightweight volleyballs for youth players. These volleyballs will not only suit the players age and body but also will help with overall gameplay.

As the name suggests, this volleyball is light in weight designed especially for the youth players. It features a smooth and foam-backed synthetic leather cover, which reduces the sting on impact and enhances control over it. The volleyball also has a special bladder, which is designed to be lightweight and have a lower rebound.

The Volley-Lite also meets USAV (United States of America Volleyball) guidelines and specifics for youth play and is approved by the USYVL (United States Youth Volleyball League). The ideal age for the players using this is between ages 8-12 as the weight is only 7.0-7.7 Ounces, and it lasts longer due to its high durability for regular games as well as practice.

A high-quality volleyball with lightweight features, made with the intention to suit youth volleyball games and practices. It features a soft, synthetic cover and lightweight bladder reducing its weight and making it easy to handle. Like any other lightweight volleyball, this one meets all the specifications and guidelines of the USAV.

The VB-U12 helps in building the self-confidence of the youth players, all because of its soft rebound and easy to grasp coverings. Molten makes this volleyball safe for the youth players (aged between 8-12 years) and keeps the chances of any injuries or strains on muscles and joints to almost zero.

A high-performance volleyball designed with care for the youth players, covered with a tackifier micro-fiber, providing an exceptionally soft-touch feel during games and practice. This volleyball, too, has a lower rebound height, which saves the players from any unexpected injuries during the course of play.

It also has the lightest butyl bladder used for volleyball, providing optimum weight as well as performance with a blended cotton wrap, ensuring maximum shape retention and a longer lifespan. Equipped with a recessed stealth soft-valve system for a nearly undetectable valve for a consistent, sting-free feel with ultimate accuracy. The volleyball, being exceptionally high-performing, is approved by the USAV and meets the guidelines for youth players who are between 8 and 12 years of age.

This volleyball by Molten, is a high-quality, lightweight volleyball designed for youth players. It features a soft micro-fiber composite cover and a lightweight bladder for reduced weight and easier handling. The ball meets USAV specifications for youth play and is designed for players aged 8-12.

The V5MU12 has a reduced rebound and a soft, cushioned feel, making it perfect for developing skills and building confidence. Molten's lightweight design reduces strain on young players' joints and muscles. The V5MU12 is ideal for players transitioning to competitive play.


Using a lightweight volleyball should not be done just because it is mandated but also to improve your techniques, skill set, and better learn the skills in the game. A lightweight volleyball will help you build your foundation stronger for the future and make you more confident in your gameplay.